ahayyyyy 82% People Indonesia Job Hunting on the Internet Intense

 on dimanche 24 novembre 2013  

Internet penetration in Indonesia is growing rapidly, it turns impact on many things. Including for job seekers in the country. The extent of the virtual world, should make it easier for companies and job seekers to meet each other.

"Currently, one in three people in Indonesia use the internet. Consequently, there is now a change of job seekers in this country looking for work online," said Managing Director of JobsDB Indonesia Aryadi Anaya, in City Walk, Jakarta, Thursday (10 / 10/2013).

He also added that there are already 82% of Indonesian people who switch from paper to online sites in search of work. Although it was not actually true maximized.

Why not maximized? Because a lot of information that is not absorbed well. Yet every day, Naresha claims, there are about 5,000 job openings for fresh graduates.

"Because of that lack of information was, eventually many of them are run to offline events such as Jobs Fair, which is sometimes far away, the atmosphere is uncomfortable, cramped time, and other costs," he said.

Seeing this condition, Telkomsel saw an opportunity. Moreover, in Indonesia, the operator has the highest number of subscribers in the country that could be taken seriously so business.

Departing from there to blaze the program 'The Passport'. A container that connects between Telkomsel users who are looking for jobs and companies in need of employees.

ahayyyyy 82% People Indonesia Job Hunting on the Internet Intense 4.5 5 Where i'm? dimanche 24 novembre 2013 Sign Up Here Free For Trafic Website Internet penetration in Indonesia is growing rapidly, it turns impact on many things. Including fo...

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